Investing in our youth

Scholarship Initiative

March 2022

In 2014, Safire Insurance embarked on its scholarship programme, one of many community and social development initiatives that it has initiated over the years since the company was established in 1987.


October 2022

The Safire scholarship boys recently experienced a sky-high adventure to help them understand their role as future leaders.

Safire’s investment in our youth

June 2021

Safire strives to support ambitious and promising young people in several ways, including our Safire Learnership, Safire Internship and Safire Yes4Youth programmes.


January 2020

We invite you to check in on our Safire scholarship boys to see how they ended 2019 and to meet our newest recruit for 2020!

Safire Scholarship Programme

March 2019

We invite you to meet some of the talented youngsters whose lives have been changed forever by the Safire Scholarship Programme…

Epworth Foundation Golf Day

2 November 2018

Safire sponsored the Epworth Foundation Golf Day at Victoria Country on 2 November 2018 as part of its focus on…

Safire Scholarship Schoolboy

November 2018

The second phase of Safire’s scholarship programme began in 2018, with the first pupil included in the programme, Andisa Young…

Investing in our youth

“At Safire, we believe that education is the key to the future of our country, and by investing in the education of our youngsters, we can help…