Getting back some love from Singakwenza

Safire was touched to receive a card from the Singakwenza team, thanking us for our support. The message included some amazing statistics that showed us the significance of our input to this very worthy cause. Singakwenza helps children in need, while also sharing knowledge about using materials once considered only fit for the rubbish bin to make fun, environmentally-friendly toys.

According to their thank you note, Singakwenza was able to achieve the following, with our support and that of other donors:

  • 51 practitioners in 17 créches were trained and mentored
  • 746 children were given the opportunity to learn through play – every day
  • 61 workshops trained 1431 adults who take care of 16 592 children, who they can now delight and surprise with these clever, cost-effective “eco-toys”.


Helping people to help children while also helping the environment – what a wonderful win-win-win story!


To become part of the Singakwenza success story, visit their website